Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Safe & Sound...

Before I begin, I would like to state that I am NOT Rebekah, but just another someone who's life was directly effected by the actions and decisions of one Keith Kiiroja/Engstrom/Kevin and now BLUHM (this is another alias, so beware). I had let Keith borrow lenses under my name from my job. Accepting all risk, I did this, and in turn, I waited over 2 (TWO) MONTHS for him to return them. These were the excuses (but not all of them: for a list of excuses email me and i will send you the spread sheet) for why he was unable to return my/works gear:

These started around one month after he first borrowed them.....

- MY MOTHER IS DEAD! (Roughly about Oct 26th or end of October sometime)
- I am the executor to the WILL and i need to get it signed over
- I am at the Lawyers in Manhattan (Nov 11th 8:43p m)
- I am in PA with my family to ask my Uncle to take care of the WILL (Nov 12th 3:28pm)
- I am still in PA due to this shit weather (Nov 13th 6:34pm)
- I have to drive a trailer back to NY with all my moms stuff (Nov 14th 6:30pm)
- I am driving back from Columbus, OH to Pittsburg, PA (Nov 19th 9:34pm)
- I had electrical troubles with the trailer by Landcaster, PA (Nov 23rd 10:59pm)
- I am at work (Nov 24th 2:30pm)

and he continued to work "3" jobs until I lost contact with him on Dec 8th, on which date I was supposed to meet him at a diner in Amityville (but you guessed it! He never showed). And it was after this date that he turned his "cell" phone off and left me with no other contact number.

Long story short, if i had not found this blog (with much help from my boyfriend) and Rebekah, I would not have the extremely great news that my gear WAS returned back to me today, Wed, December 16th, 2009 @ 1:45pm (2 months and a week) and with the correct serial numbers and in total working order.

This is far from over though. Although I was GIVEN MY BELONGING BACK (that's my legal disclaimer for this blog post), it is no longer about that. This blog is a public service to the surrounding tri-state area and beyond. I tell my story and list his lies so you know what to look for and are able to read more clearly through this bullshit. He is not going to stop taking advantage of people and there kindness. He lays the pity and sympathy stories so thick you cant smell his shit, but you can now. If you have any information to lead to a possible arrest and conviction of this con-artist please contact or Rebekah.

And a special note to Keith.....

Besides for LYING ABOUT YOUR OWN MOTHER DYING, all the bad things that happen to you in this life, are happening to you for a reason. It is because you yourself are a bad bad bad person, and you should sacrifice yourself to the authorities, just like the samurai of Japan, who when disgraced there family, the plunged the knife in to their own gut and twisted.....This may be the only chance to save your soul. Failure to do so will result in a life full of hardships and despair. But I'm sure everyone is hopping for the latter.....

Aurora Devine


If nothing else, this blog acts as a public service.

Today, our favorite chubby scam artist came out of his hole and did something right! Well, I don't believe he did the "right" thing; he did what would keep him temporarily out of trouble with the police.

He returned the lenses! Ashley is safe in her job, and all is well... with her. Now where's the rest of our equipment/money/stuff, Keith?

Funny side note: When she told her boss the story, in fear that she may lose her job, he actually knew EXACTLY who Keith was. You see, according to him, Keith had tried to scam equipment off of him on a previous date for his "daughter's charity". Wonders never cease.

Become a Fan!


How is he a professional photographer if he doesn't even have a camera [remember, he claimed to not have a camera and to have given up photography all-together]... I mean, he's sold all the ones he's stolen.

Click to become of fan of Keith on FB


Never Happened: Disappearing Comments

I still haven't given you all the details of Keith's latest scam, but it involves stolen camera equipment [October 2009] and Keith's never-ending lies and promises to return it.

Since I posted the blog alerting all of you about his newest victim, a flurry of emails [and phone calls] from Keith have been received by his victim and me.

As I'm writing this, we have just passed 1:00pm EST.

Please view the following image of comments that Keith left on my blog and then erased later [he does this often]:

Also, two of the emails I've received since yesterday:

Click images to view full-size.

Please pay close attention to the words Keith uses in his written correspondence. Keith is a thief and a liar. His mom is dead, he has cancer, his car broke down, his daughter is in the hospital... I could go on forever. He stole from people by scamming them with lies. He did it on Craigslist, on XBOX communities, by showing up at a person's job and begging for money under false pretenses, by "borrowing" camera equipment and disappearing with it. Don't believe the hype. He belongs in prison.

Alias: No, Not Like Jennifer Garner

In my life, I've had a couple different names... Rebekah Peterson, Rebekah Platt, Rebekah Borucki. These name changes have all been legal and occurred when I got married/divorced.

Our friend, Keith, has also gone by a few names... Keith Kiiroja, Keith Engstrom, Keith Bluhm. Because I'm almost positive that he hasn't been married, I would guess that he's used different names to escape being found out as the true scammer he is.

Keith Kiiroja
Keith Engstrom

Keith Bluhm

are all the same guy! Don't trust him. Avoid him. And if you see him with camera equipment, please ask him to return it all to its rightful owners.

Monday, December 14, 2009

UPDATE: new victim!

I received an email yesterday from another NEW victim of Keith Kiiroja. It seems he has stolen camera equipment [under his alias] as little as two months ago. There will be MUCH more info to follow... I've extended an invitation for the victim to guest blog, and I will be posting new emails from Keith in the coming days.

It truly never ends.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Holidays, D-Bags (Keith) and non D-Bags alike!

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving/December holidays, I've delcared a (very) temporary ceasefire on the hatemongering campaign against the assholery of Keith Kiiroja. With that in mind, I'd like to extend the following warm wishes for the upcoming holidays:

Of course to the lovely Rebekah Borucki and her family, Happy Holidays.

To those of you who AREN'T stealing money/possessions from good, honest people:

Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving and have a Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah!

To those readers who are, in fact, lying, thieving, deceitful scumbags. Happy holidays! We hope your completely stress free holiday (mostly due to the fact that you're spending other people's hard earned money) is enjoyable as well. Hope you can finally find a way to sleep at night. And look at yourself in the mirror.

Enjoy, folks!

[this post was contributed by another victim of Keith Kiiroja]

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gossip Girl

Inspired by the comments/compliments of my guest contributor [see post below], I've decided to have a little fun with the blog and start a celebrity lookalike series. I can't help but notice that there are many demi-celebs who look uncannily like our favorite cuddly scammer, Keith Kiiroja.

Our first in the series is none other than Kevin Gillespie of Top Chef Season 6: Las Vegas

Monday, November 23, 2009

Joining the Crusade Against Assholery

Let me start by saying I am not Rebekah.

(I am far less tactful).

I am another person who has joined the crusade against money-scamming, con-artist Keith Kiiroja, Engstrom, Wilkes-Booth; whoever he feels he needs to be to hide his true self mostly thanks to the work of this blog. I love watching cockroaches have to squirm to get out of the spotlight.

It's almost comforting, albeit enraging, to see how many people this terrible, sad collection of human cells has afflicted with his plague of lies, deception, and manipulation. REST ASSURED ye affected masses, I make you a promise, whether we receive what's rightfully ours or not...

This. Will. Be. Helpful.

As helpful as it is entertaining. (As if it isn't already)! I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of "if we didn't laugh we'd cry," and I plan on making my personal, unsavory encounter with Keith Kiirojastromwilkesboothe as entertaining for you readers as possible. Which is big, because most people won't read something if it's not entertaining. Rebekah has done a bang-up job delivering the facts in a Daily Show-esque manner that's both entertaining to read and informative. She has brought together a community of wronged, good people that is nothing short of awesome. Glad to be on board!

Now do not get me wrong. I may be a vengeful sadist, (Italian and Irish, which tends to be problematic for my enemies...) but I am also just, and believe firmly in right and wrong. What Keith's doing is wrong; wrong for many reasons, but mostly because it affects GOOD, honest people. People who are trying to legitimately help SOMEONE IN NEED, someone apparently in need of "the easy life" courtesy of scamming good people out of hard earned dollars. F THAT NOISE.

I lent Keith Kiiroja money for one of his many, crazy, "woe is me" stories, like many of you, and it burned me, bad. After a year or so of wishful waiting, innumerable excuses, (i.e. ", I just sold a bridge in brooklyn and the commission was INSANE!!! Your check is in the mail!") and subsequent bounced checks, (Take THAT, gullibility!), I've decided to write the money off, literally, here, happening right now.

I proclaimed this to Keith on the day that I lent him that money and I hold true to my word: I did this for his daughter, not him. I didn't lend Keith that money for any one of many taco nights, or video games, or any bullshit he wanted to blow it on to live like a 14 year old (which is an insult to 14 year olds everywhere). I gave it to him for his (presumably bullshit) fabrication which pinned his beautiful daughter, who he used, and manipulated, as the cornerstone of his story. The prostitution of his daughter, and her tragic disease which she is BRAVELY fighting is the worst crime of ALL. The fact that he uses her to pull on people's heart strings is probably the worst act of human existence in a long, long time. Keith is a tragic individual, who I feel for in some sickly inexplicable way, but I am almost moved to tears with the possible idea of letting his little girl know what a monster she has for a father. Even now, I have her in my heart, but unfortunately it isn't enough to stop me from exposing Mr. Kiiroja-Engstrom-Wilkes-Booth, because it has to be done.

I shit you not people, after the weeks gave way to months, the months gave way to years, and the calls with Keith stopped, I decided to do a quick Google search to see if I could find our habitually hibernating con-man, who miraculously dropped off the face of the earth like a ship in Columbus' era, and (much to my simultaneous elation and disgust) I found this gem of a website. There was our furry-faced friend staring me right in the eyes, and there was a chronicled story of all the terrible things he's done to honest people. God I love technology. I had to get involved, and I had to add myself to the list and be heard.

Let me take a moment here to say that Rebekah is one hell of a writer, one hell of a humanitarian, and one hell of a woman to take a problem like Keith and organize something to this extent. I mean, let's be real, this blog has the high production value of the most popular celeb-stalkers, and content that is far more beneficial to humanity than how many times Paris Hilton flashed her lady-gear to the paparazzi before embarking on an alcohol induced vomiting session behind (insert random club here) in the Hamptons.

P.S. I proposed to Rebekah, she said no. Life goes on...

I digress.

I was happy to accept Rebekah's offer to contribute to the website. So here I am ladies and gentlemen, for better or worse. You can add my story to the list, and you can bet your bottom dollar I'm a lot less compassionate than Rebekah. She and Justin should be nominated for saint-hood for going through what they've gone through and exposing Keith for what he is. I'm sure she is as disgusted as I am that this site even exists, and from the sound of it she would love NOTHING MORE than to take it down. (I, for one, would love nothing more than to keep it up for eternity and keep Keith alive for just as long. As long as it takes for him to learn how to cowboy up, promptly remove his thumb from his ass, be a man, and face adulthood. As long as it takes.)

The power to remove this site rests on Keith, until then I will do everything to expose this guy to EVERYONE who he has charmed with his silver tongue. I will make life hell for him. As long as you con like you do, and hurt like you do, I will give you no way out. I will crusade against you until you are a cell-dwelling street urchin in some remote part of the world (a lifestyle worthy of your current ethical conduct). I will show no mercy. Your dirt is public.

Unlike Rebekah, I am not going for Saint Hood, nor do I plan on being nearly as compassionate. That's not a threat, Keith. No need to spin it. I will post the FACTS, as does Rebekah, to ANYONE who wishes to read it, including, but not limited to:

-Family Members
-Local business owners
-Foreign business owners
-and many more!

I will not rest until you return what's OURS. It's not even mine anymore, it's EVERYONE'S. Where's this money coming from? Well that's a good question, and not one I'm about to worry about, that'll be your problem. Good luck, sir!

I will either get my money, or my money's worth in your misery. Keith, you have the power to end this. Rant over.

[this post was contributed by another victim of Keith Kiiroja]


Thursday, September 10, 2009

So Keith Went to Court...

I JUST read the comments on the "Biggest Fan" post, and they have me reeling with curiosity! I'm hoping to hear from Jean on all the details of their day in court. Stay tuned...

NOTE: My sincere apologies for Jean for not getting back to her this week... everything was crazy in my house with soccer and back to school, and so many things got mixed-up in the confusion.

And can I make an announcement here that I hereby annoint DYLANTHOMAS with the "Best Commenter In The Universe" award for his hilarious [yet, kind of ridiculous] comments he left on "Pork Chop Con-Man". While I do not condone such mean-speak, his comments had me in stitches.

Letter to Ms. Lilian G. Kiiroja [Keith's mother]

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Friday, September 4, 2009

UPDATE: for our biggest fan

It's been a long time since I've posted and I can't say that I haven't caught a little bit of flack from KEIKK fans for my lack of updates. This entry is dedicated to KEIKK's biggest fan, Lookatthathorse.

In short, August was a ridiculously busy month for my family and me... vacations, work, houseguests [you can read all about it on my personal blog]. I hardly updated my regular blog, and paid zero attention to this one. However, the lack of updates is not representative of the amount of correspondence I got from Keith & Company.

Before I go on with the dates and details of messages, I want to clear something up. I have NEVER exaggerated, modified, or fabricated any information, email, or document in regard to Keith Kiiroja. Everything you read on this blog is absolutely true and every email has been copied and pasted to ensure that nothing is misrepresented. In a comment posted on my July 24 entry titled "Well, he wasn't scamming for rent $$...", Keith implied that I was lying about his cell phone service provider. Yes, this is idiotic and I don't know how it has any bearing on legitimacy of his scamming activities, but I need to address it to maintain my credibility. Keith has a habit of erasing comments that incriminate him, so below you'll find a screen grab of the comment and the ACTUAL EMAIL sent to me by Keith showing that it was sent "via Blackberry by AT&T".

Now, for the emails... the end of July was marked by a series of emails from some chick named Lisa Marie who, for a short time, seemed dedicated to clearing Keith's name and helping him pay back the money he stole. We sent several emails back and forth over the course of a week and then ended our relationship shortly after she demanded I stop contacting her and not post her emails online. I obliged. The last emails I received from her were about her taking Keith the following week to pay people back in person and that his mother was in ICU. At the same time I received these emails from Keith:
Subject: RE: Lisa and the blog
Date: July 26, 2009 9:46:18 AM EDT

After this week, I will try to send something to Justin. I am sorry it has been so long. As you know I got backed up on some things.

Please, remember, my Mom is in intensive care right now. Do not disturb her or stress her out with this. I will send you the 1000 that was transferred to her on my behalf this week. I have some other things to take care of but I will be in touch via telephone on Wednesday. I am not going to bring all of your account information with me to work. I will call you when I arrive at the bank. Also, yes, everyone has a right to collect. I fell a little behind. I am not scamming anyone and I have not been lying at all. You assume just because I say I have no money that I am lying about everything. I was not lying when you were giving me the benefit of the doubt. If you were talking to Rhiannon’s mother you would have known that to be fact. I have been seeking professional help lately to improve my life, not only for myself, but for my daughter, and others around me. The way I have been is no way at all to live life. I am being told that this family member you are speaking with is Kristel, my niece. It would make sense because she is the only one with a computer of her own. I know it is not my Sister or my Brother.

Anyway, the more I type here is just a waste of time and gets things going back and forth between us. I am spending the rest of the weekend with Rhiannon and also the rest of this week. I will get in touch with you as stated on Wednesday. I will not send you anymore emails up until that point. I am not challenging you. I know I owe this to Justin and the rest of the people in the support group. I have never once denied that. I am working on fixing all of this.

Keith Kiiroja

Subject: RE: Lisa and the blog
Date: July 28, 2009 8:54:15 PM EDT

I am replying because I do not want you to feel like I am standing you up on what I had promised you. I want to get you the 1000 that my Mother accepted on my behalf to get her out of this. It is not fair of her to get dragged into this. She is still in ICU and not doing very well and that is why I will not be around tomorrow. I will get in touch with you if some time frees up, I just want you to know it will be done this week. I am still waiting on the other funds for everyone else, and no, I am not scamming for it…or borrowing from ANYONE at all. I am done with that life.

Needless to say - but I'm going to anyway - none of this EVER HAPPENED.

Bringing us into August... I got a series of emails from Keith outlining payment plans, making empty promises, and whining about his life in general.

Subject: RE: so what happened??
Date: August 5, 2009 3:17:41 PM EDT

You can confirm it with Martin Caster that I sent him some money. I am limited here. Working a lot to catch up with EVERYTHING, I am replying now though. I am sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I had to help with getting my Mom settled in back home. I am still waiting on the lawyer for the money from my Tante Virve (my Aunt). My sister and my brother are really slowing the process down for me. What sucks is my brother is sitting on a boat load of money or at least he was, he probably drank most of it away. He could so front me what I need to get rid of these issues and no one with ever have to worry again. Just so you know, I am finally making an honest living and it feels great. I have given up on photography all together. I hope you and Justin and the rest of the family are well. I am sorry you have to deal with this still.

Be Well.

Subject: RE: so what happened??
Date: August 5, 2009 6:44:20 PM EDT

I want this to be realistic. I know you do not like me one bit, otherwise the blog site would be non-existent. It is my own fault that it is up there. I am to blame for all of this and no one else. I am sorry but it is obvious that I owe a lot of money. Right now I am working on saving enough money to prevent my pending eviction. I need this roof. I love my daughter and my love for her and not being able to make ends meet sparked my doing all of this cause I got scared. I hate giving up my photography because it is one thing I am really truly passionate about. Again, I only have myself to blame. Truth is I am not good at anything else. My family shat all over me the past few years. My Grandmother left over 100k to my brother and my sister each and I got NOTHING. I had a lot of suffering when it came to that. It hurt a lot. I know you do not want to hear all this but it is true. I am letting you know the blog site is indeed interfering with me getting some work in the sense that when people look at me on Google they find it…I want to pay everyone back. I know 100 to Martin Caster is not a lot but it was all that I had when he asked for it. If you want to be paid something maybe we can go back to a realistic agreement…let me know what you think of like 200 a month…? However, I would like to talk to you about the site lying dormant until I miss a payment. I will also communicate with you each and every Friday when I get home from work via email or phone. Whichever works best for you. Please get back to me as soon as possible. You can reach me at home tonight if you want to discuss this…6318492007
Thank you.

Subject: Contact
Date: August 7, 2009 9:10:19 AM EDT


I promised you that I would contact you every Friday with any kind of info. I can TRY to get something out to you next Wednesday when I get my paycheck. I can probably send you like 150-200 bucks…or maybe I can shift it to 100 every 2 weeks totaling 200 for the month. I just want to get back on the right track with all this. I am after all starting to be honest with EVERYONE. No more living a lie.

Talk Soon.

Subject: Hello
Date: August 14, 2009 5:54:18 PM EDT


I have 200 for you and I will be going to the bank to deposit on Monday afternoon. I have all of your info still. I will send you a text when it is done. Time to get things back on track. I promised you I would contact you every Friday in some way and here it is.

Have a nice weekend.

Subject: RE: Hello
Date: August 14, 2009 8:08:40 PM EDT

I no longer have a paypal, and if I do it that way then I will have a
deduction and I will owe you even more money. Do you have another account to
do this in...?

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: Hello

Actually, can you send it through Justin's paypal: xxxxxx? I
just realized I closed the account that you used to deposit money into.

------Original Message------
From: Keith // Subject:Yourself
Sent: Aug 14, 2009 5:54 PM
Subject: Hello


I have 200 for you and I will be going to the bank to deposit on Monday
afternoon. I have all of your info still. I will send you a text when it is
done. Time to get things back on track. I promised you I would contact you
every Friday in some way and here it is.

Have a nice weekend.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

After this, I sent him our new bank account information and he thanked me for sending it over. This is a stupid question - but I'll pose it to you anyway - did he send even one penny? NEVER HAPPENED.

There was really no significant contact besides a few angry comments left on one of my YouTube videos about Keith:

MillyLoveless (2 weeks ago)
Oh and the blog comes down when you are sued for illegally posting personal information, and copyright. So watch your ass.

MillyLoveless (2 weeks ago)
Zip your shirt back up. Why don't you stop spending all of this time posting this guys personal information and get back to your kids. You are not a good person. People fuck up. Get over it.

WHEW! That chick was angry. There were also several comments left on my blog entries by Keith & Company. I'm embarassed to admit that I wasn't keeping up on the comments, so I apologize to the other scam-ees about not getting back to you or responding to your comments. Thank you to Lookatthathorse for bringing the comments to my attention. And I'm sad to say that most of the comments left by Keith and his "supporters" have been erased by the users. I really would have liked to see what you all had to say. I had a chance to read one angry comment before it was apparently erased just yesterday and responded to it accordingly.

I'll leave you with the last emails from Keith sent over the past few days. A few days ago he asked that I send him another PayPal request for money [I thought he didn't have a PayPal account] and include the charge for the transaction. As per his instructions, I sent him a request for $309 on September 3. I then followed up with an email wondering why he hadn't sent payment.

Subject: RE: Money request
Date: September 4, 2009 10:49:34 AM EDT

Yes, I got it this morning. I get paid this afternoon. I am going to send it
on Monday when my check clears into my account.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:59 AM
Subject: Money request

Did you get the money request, Keith? I'm wondering why you bother to email
and then never send anything.

I'll let you know what happens on Monday.

NOTE: I have an update on Keith's housing situation. Keith's mother, who Keith has described as "fighting for her life" in the hospital, pulled it together enough to send his landlord $2000 for him. Nice stall! Of course, this was nowhere near what he owes, so they'll be back in court on September 9th. I'll post details about the time and location as I receive them.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Well, he wasn't scamming for rent $$...

I got some news today that our good friend, Keith, will be packing up shop and taking his little show on the road. For those of you who would like to pick up all the photo equipment that he sold to you and never got around to sending, you'll find his soon-to-be-former address below.

The following note was sent to me on this previous Friday night [the sender's info has been omitted per request]:

Hi Rebekah,
I heard from a reliable source in the SUFFOLK COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT that an Order Of Eviction and a monetary judgement has been issued against Keith Kiiroja a.k.a Keith Engstrom. Since this is his last known address, let everyone on the post know this will be taking place at 106 Prince Road in Rocky Point NY 11778 (west apt on 2nd floor). Thanks for keeping this post going, maybe it will prevent others from being conned by Keith . I only wish I had found it sooner.

This, of course, made my day.

For no reason at all other than to make you throw your hands up in disbelief and beg for someone to please tell you how such a useless excuse for a human being really exists, here is a sampling of the latest emails from Keith... please look closely at the dates of these emails. Talk about pathological lying!

From: Keith // Subject:Yourself
Sent: Jul 23, 2009 1:55 PM
Subject: My Phone #


If anyone would like to reach me on the telephone they can do so by calling
me at 631-849-2007, **name of someone Keith scammed on craigslist** has had this # all along and I am sure
others have as well. I am willing to talk to anyone who calls and I am not
avoiding anyone. I can not give out my new cell phone # as it is used for my
work. I can also be contacted via email

Thank you,

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T **who bought him a Blackberry?**

Subject: RE: Lisa and the blog
Date: July 21, 2009 12:31:13 AM EDT

Well, I am paying back all the people who feel they were scammed by next Wednesday **[very clever wording, Keith]**. I have everything set in place. I will work things out with you once this is taken care of. I am sure once you see this is done you will finally believe something I say. I want to move ahead in my life for once and put all this behind me.

Subject: Just a heads up...
Date: June 10, 2009 4:44:11 PM EDT

I will be resuming payments to you next Friday. I have to get caught up with my rent first with the help of a family member then from there I will have a clean slate with my personal finances. I need to keep the roof over Rhiannon’s head and myself out of jail. Anyway, I will be sending you the 400 as promised and I a going to try to make up for some lost time as well. I am also going to start sending payments to the rest of the cavalry. I think I have my list in check and all of their addresses. I will contact you next Friday once I have payment ready for you.
Sorry for the wait and continued inconvenience.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Keith's New Phone Number


When you have a minute, give him a call and ask him where that deposit is :)

Update: Since my last post, I have been contacted by two new people who have found the blog. One questioned the legitimacy of what's written here, because *surprise, surprise* Keith has ripped him off, too!!

Here's his blog: Aaron Devon Hill: Blog

I also received a very interesting email from a "friend" of Keith's [I removed the name to respect her privacy]. Below you'll find two emails as well as my response just sent today:

From: xxxxxxx
Subject: Hello Rebekah - In regards to Keith Kiiroja
Date: July 10, 2009 2:10:50 PM EDT

Hello Rebekah,

I came across your site when doing a Google search for Keith Kiiroja. I am a little disheartened by all this since he was a good friend of mine when we were just kids. I was looking for him as I am moving back to Long Island soon and was hoping to rekindle a friendship with him. He ended up being raised in a shit family and felt the brunt of many misfortunes. He was mentally and physically abused by his brother and lost his father when he was just a kid. When we were about 22, just before his daughter was born I helped him out a bit but never really cared about getting it back, till now. He borrowed about 300 bucks from me and I NEVER got it back. I helped him out as a friend but now I see what he does to those he calls friends. I am going to try to reach out to him as a friend and really find out what the hell is going on with him and his life. I will not mention that I know about the site at all and see where that gets me. I want to find out if he will be honest with an old friend who once helped him in a time of need. From what I can remember, I had given him this money when his Mom was going to remarry and he was kicked out of the house by the abusive asshole who was going to be marrying his Mom. He used the money to stay in a local motel or something. I really can't recall all the things that were done more than 10 years ago. I would however like to help in anyway to get Keith back on track. I do not think he is a bad person at heart, he may just need some guidance and if I can be the one to do it that would be great. Let us first see if he opens up about what is REALLY going on and mentions Justin and the site at all. If it does not come up at all and he lies about his life being great or whatever, I will cooperate with you however I can to help him get things squared away with you. I will mention the site after a week or say and say you will not believe what I came across do you want to talk to me about this? You see the good thing about all this is, I ended up becoming a social worker for troubled teens and feel that I may really be able to tackle any of the issues Keith is having. But that is only if he is willing to admit them. I have not spoken to him in a while but I have his email and I think I now have a phone # to reach out to him. Please keep me in the loop and keep me updated to any new occurrences at all. I would like to be in this support group both for your side and also to get some understanding as to how I may be able to help Keith getting this all wiped away. I hope it is possible. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Consider me your true mediator.

Thank you for your time.

From: xxxxxxx
Subject: Just Curious
Date: July 18, 2009 12:52:41 PM EDT


I finally got a hold of Keith this morning and he already knew that what my intentions were. Someone named xxxx apparently shared my email with him. Did you share it with the rest of the group? I can talk to Keith, and when I do I will get back to you. I do not mind but I could have seen this all back firing on me. I told him I am a friend and I am not out to hurt him. I hope all goes well. I am meeting with him for dinner on Tuesday night.

Have a great weekend.

P.S. please leave our emails confidential 100%, just between you and I.

Subject: Re: Just Curious
Date: July 19, 2009 2:07:18 PM EDT
To: xxxxxxx

I did share your email with xxxx. Keith is a lying, manipulative, and cowardly criminal, and any correspondence from someone who claims to be his "friend" strikes me as suspicious. Keith has posed as other people before to throw us off his trail, so I usually don't answer those emails or share them with the group... which I also haven't in this case. xxxx also questioned the validity of the email and I imagine that's what prompted him to go to Keith.

Your friend is in a LOT of trouble. If there's any message that I would like relayed to him, it would be that I haven't forgotten him and I'm working hard to make sure he is punished severely for what he's done to people. Because you're friendly with this "person", I can't share any information about the group or what we're working on to make sure he's prosecuted. And if the confidentially of these emails are important to you, I would suggest you don't reach out to me or anyone else he's stolen from. Good luck with Keith.

You can also tell him that I have all his new information and will be passing it on through the website.

I just can't believe that there are still people in this world who have compassion for this "person". And FYI, I haven't heard a word from Keith since his last email promising payment on June 16.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Never Happened: The "Pork Chop Con-Man" Strikes Again!

...well, not really, but I was dying to use the new moniker given to Keith by one of my new blog fans.

Here's my newest installment of my Never Happened series [please pay attention to these dates and times... he is clearly frantic to convince me he's not a giant Pork Chop Con-Man... FAIL! once again]:

Subject: RE: Just a heads up...
Date: June 11, 2009 3:59:24 PM EDT

I am in touch with the DA’s office. I am speaking with a Det. Sweeney. When I tell you I am REALLY looking to fix this I am. Even so much that I am going to seek professional help as soon as I can. I know I have a problem and I need help and I do not want this to affect anyone anymore.

I am so sorry that you have been put through all of this. I will make a payment to you as soon as possible and keep up with it. I think the more important thing is to take care of the others as well.

Thank you,

Subject: RE: Just a heads up...
Date: June 11, 2009 4:07:22 PM EDT

This is going to be the last email I send you for now. I will be sure to make sure you know that you are getting a payment, simply by making a deposit. I will message you when it is done. I am going to try to do it before next Friday.

Subject: RE: Just a heads up...
Date: June 11, 2009 4:22:46 PM EDT

Sorry, this is the last email…
I am taking steps on Monday morning. I may be able to make a deposit into your account tomorrow.

I am going to the D.A.’s office and speaking with them in person.
I am going to make sure to deposit money into your account that will make up for the payments I have missed.
I am going to make payments to the people who I think are in the support group.
I am going to keep up with the payments on a month to month basis.
I am no longer going to do this to anyone, not ever.


I simply replied to this with a one word email - "whatever".

Subject: RE: Just a heads up...
Date: June 11, 2009 4:56:59 PM EDT

This is not just a temporary fix…I am going to deposit money tomorrow.
I do not know how much yet, possibly 400.00 but I will catch up to what I am behind by next Friday.
I will be the first to admit, I need help…professional help.


Subject: RE: Just a heads up...
Date: June 16, 2009 11:22:37 AM EDT

[the first paragraph of this email has been deleted because it contains a statement about a third party who wished that their story not be published]

I have started breaking down a REAL payment plan to get all of you paid pack. I have you on the originally agreed 400 a month with payments resuming this Friday…I will still be making the 400 payment on the first of the month as well. I am going to pay back everyone in 4 payments…I am dividing what I owe them by 4 and sending that along soon.


So those are the latest emails from Keith. After I received the last email, I was so aggravated that I called him on the phone to tell him to stop wasting my time with these idiotic emails. JUST GIVE EVERYONE THE MONEY YOU STOLE, KEITH-YOU MISERABLE LYING PORK CHOP!

I may have to rethink this nickname. I really like pork chops.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Get By With a Little Help From Keith's Friends...

It's been a very long time since I've updated you all on our Keith clusterf*ck of a situation. Since I last blogged, there's been a couple of fun developments in our story.

The rest of the month of May went a little like this:

[Via text messages]
Rebekah: "pay us the money or else"
Keith: "blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine, lie, lie, lie, I got an inheritance, everyone is getting paid back in 10 days-I promise, Rhiannon will starve if I don't work, blah, blah, blah, I don't really have a job with NBC, I'm sending your equipment, I'm a fat liar, blah, whine, lie".

So I consulted a good friend who happens to be an attorney and he gave me some really good advice on the law and steps the group and we can take to insure Keith is prosecuted on criminal grounds [because it's obvious no one is ever getting paid a penny]. Then Justin and I started working a bit more, I got busy with my Prom Dress charity, we took a trip to Jamaica, and I pushed the Keith business aside to make way for life and good times. Oh, and I got REALLY lazy about blogging.

But there were a few very exciting things that happened in May in regards to our favorite scam artist. A slew of very valuable correspondence came my way courtesy of some people VERY CLOSE to Keith. I was asked to keep their contact with me private [for very legitimate reasons], but I will tell you that the information they had for me was very helpful. Included in that list of people were family members, friends, and band members of bands of which he's taken photos.

Just last night I received a voicemail and email from a person with whom he currently has a business/money relationship and who's grown very concerned about a large amount of money owned to him/her by Keith. This person found my blog and contacted me immediately. I haven't returned the call yet, but will update as soon as I do. Note: this person is NOT on the Keith's list of people he's scammed.

For your pleasure, some recent excuses from Keith [via email]:

Subject: What do I have to do...?
Date: May 4, 2009 4:17:04 PM EDT


When I said I was late due to Rhiannon, I was telling the truth and I am now. I intend on getting the money owed to Justin Borucki back in the next 10 days. I can even try and send some in the next few days as a sign of good faith. I know that does not say much since I was late. I do not know what more proof you and Justin needed other than photos of my daughter in the hospital. All of this is going to affect her so much and I just want to do the right thing. I will be the first to admit that what I did was wrong. I should have never borrowed money from anyone, especially knowing that it could never be paid back. I dig myself deeper and deeper and now look at where I am. I am begging you; I am going to pay everyone back what is owed to them VERY SOON. It will also be within the next 10 days. I just need to know if I have everyone on the list right along with the amount owed to them…if anyone is missing please let me know. This is not anything to buy me time. I am really doing this….

Justin Borucki $6265.37
Mxxx Cxxx $1200.00
Jxxx Lxxx $800.00
Nxxx Nxxx $800.00
Jxxx Oxxx $1000.00
Cxxx Dxxx $800.00 technically $900.00 but she replied to an email and told me the other 100 was specifically a donation for Rhiannon
Axxx Gxxx $600.00
Mxxx Wxxx $700.00

That is all I have so far…I know I should have never lost track of anyone or what is owed to them. This whole thing has been irresponsible.

I am not going to allow this to happen again. This is terrible.

Keith Kiiroja

Subject: RE: Fedex info
Date: May 23, 2009 11:25:50 PM EDT

I am no longer going to live a dishonest life. Truth is, at the moment...I
do not have shit to my name. I took from people I did not know to protect my
family but that is no excuse. I can not get a job for the life of me since
that site is haunting me but I did it to myself I suppose. I am looking to
do something right. I do not know what it is just yet but it will be soon
and it will be the right thing. Not only for Justin...but for everyone. I
can not continue to live the life I have lead if it is going to end up
hurting my daughter which is where this is all going.

I am sorry you have not heard from me in awhile. I was doing some soul

Be Well.

Subject: Just a heads up...
Date: June 10, 2009 4:44:11 PM EDT

I will be resuming payments to you next Friday. I have to get caught up with my rent first with the help of a family member then from there I will have a clean slate with my personal finances. I need to keep the roof over Rhiannon’s head and myself out of jail. Anyway, I will be sending you the 400 as promised and I a going to try to make up for some lost time as well. I am also going to start sending payments to the rest of the cavalry. I think I have my list in check and all of their addresses. I will contact you next Friday once I have payment ready for you.
Sorry for the wait and continued inconvenience.

Let me add here that many of the people [whose names I xxx'ed for their privacy] listed in one of the emails above were people Keith met through Craigslist and online gaming communities. Make no mistake, these people were SCAMMED out of their money. They thought they were buying photo equipment that, in reality, never existed. According to a family member of Keith's and corroborated by several of Keith's friends and support group members, Keith owns absolutely NO photo equipment.

Here's an excerpt from an email from a group member:

"Keith has told me over and over how his 5D has a crack in the body,
the metering is off, of how the shoe mount isn't working and he can't
fire his lights. He probably never had a camera for some time since he
borrows from people. I'm not on that list of people to pay back :("

I may have posted this before, but this email from Keith is in reference to which camera he owns:

From: "Keith // Subject:Yourself"
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 08:58:13
Subject: RE: Nikon Gear

I do not know who emailed you but I am certainly shooting with a 30d, I do
also have a 40d but it is my friend Ashley's. She is stationed overseas so I
am holding down the fort for her. I am not home right now. I am still in
Poughkeepsie. I am not stealing anything at all from CPS. I am a member too.
I have never used Justin's name there at all and I never will. I am keeping
my word with you. Nothing is going to get lost in the mail at all. I am
going to get you a legit tracking #, it is not going to get lost. Like I
stated in my previous email, I am working a full time, part time, and still
doing my photography. Anytime I have free is spent with Rhiannon. I am not
giving you of all people the run around. I would love to get to the point
where you can say that you would take down that blog but honestly it is not
at the top of my list. Working, making money, and being honest are among the
things I need to concentrate on. So far things are going good.

I have not promised anything from CPS to ANYONE...this has me more than
upset cause now people are lying to further shitty reputation that I have
already created for myself. I have told people that if I sold anything else
I can get more equipment on loan for myself from CPS.

I will call you in the morning hours tomorrow on my way to work, is that ok?

Talk Soon,

P.S. can you please leave me your # and please say you will talk to me?

So that's all for now. I'm sure I don't have to mention here that he never sent a dime to us in May. I've been in contact with the support group already this morning, and we're throwing aside procrastination and moving forward with trying to stop this guy from hurting anyone else. And for those who may feel sorry for Keith and believe he may be making a change or a sincere effort to make good-he's currently owes over $20,000 in child support arrearages, and Rhiannon ALWAYS had full medical coverage. Where did the charity money go? I'm guessing to line his pockets and feed his chronically unemployed, fake photographer face.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I never really liked that network anyway, and now I know why.

I wonder if my friends who work there know about him and his antics??...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Never Happened": Part II [Special Entry]

Wow! I didn't expect another "Never Happened" to happen so soon, but I can't say that I'm completely surprised.

This post is going to call for a greater time commitment from you, my readers, than my posts usually require, but it's fun, nonetheless. If you click on each of the following ten images, you'll find the email exchange between Keith and me from yesterday [listed from the top/earliest to bottom/most recent]. And, of course, in a strong effort by Keith to not disappoint his adoring fanbase, the final image reveals the reason why this exchange made it into the "Never Happened" archives. Double gold star performance, Keith!!

NOTE: I texted Keith after receiving the final email and offered to have the equipment shipped to me at my cost on our FedEx account. He responded with several texts basically saying [and I'm paraphrasing here], "I'm sorry, schedule pick-up for Monday, I can't believe it's come to this, I'm giving my lawyer your information so he can contact you about my inheritance, bullsh*t, bullsh*t, bullsh*t". I'm sorry, that's harsh. I'm just anticipating another "Never Happened" post coming soon [maybe... next Monday, perhaps??]

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Series: "Never Happened"

This new series of entries will require a little more research work on my part, but it should be a good one. I'm titling it "Never Happened", and it will be a collection of screen shots of emails and iPhone texts with detailed promises from Keith that-you guessed it-NEVER HAPPENED.

I'll leave you now with a few recent gems. These are emails from Keith containing promises of payment for April 1 and the return of Nikon equipment. I love how these emails capture classic Keith whining. Read on [click on each image to view full-size]:

Keith Kiiroja Support Group Update:

Out of all the members he STOLE from via Craigslist posts and online gaming communities [as recently as the beginning of this year] by promising to sell them photo and/or video game equipment and never delivering it after taking their money, one guy got paid back [with half the equipment promised]. The rest have received nothing.

If you have been scammed by Keith Engstrom - Kiiroja, please email me at

If you plan on working with the guy, make it a point to know who you're really getting involved with... there's plenty of photog fish in the sea.

New Name, Same Bullsh*t

Some time has passed since my last entry and a lot has happened. The universe has brought forth a new season of new life and allergy inducing pollen, Justin and I are busy at work, the kids are getting ready for camping trips, Disney World, and Mexico in the coming months, and we're all buzzing with spring fever! All is good in Boruckiland. I took some time off from this blog [mistakenly] to concentrate on some other money making ventures, and I've also been hard at work on a new charity effort I started with my fellow ladies of the DCL.

It seems that our favorite scammer has been quite busy as well... mostly just ducking everyone he's borrowed/stolen/scammed money from, but also creating a new name for himself in the photo industry. Keith Kiiroja is now peddling his photography as Keith Engstrom. It seems that even with this snazzy new name, he's still the same pathetic, irresponsible, con-artist that he's always been. At least he stopped selling fake equipment over Craisgslist to unsuspecting victims [I think].

However, he has made some time to set up a new Myspace profile and website,

I'll let him thank me later for the free advertising.

my favorite photo of Keith

Since the blog has been down, we didn't receive the $400 he promised would come every first of the month or the Nikon equipment he still has, but he did make a $100 PayPal payment that cost us $3.20 to receive. I'm thinking now is the time to start telling our story again and ask for the Canon equipment that he has never paid for. At this point I don't care if he can take his little pictures or not.

Give back the equipment, Keith!

[side note]: I was watching CNN this morning and caught a story on the "Craisglist Killer" and almost thought I was going to see Keith. Then I remembered he's just a liar and a thief and not really tough enough to meet someone face to face in order to commit a violent act against them. Shucks... I'd really like to see this clown in jail for the real crimes he's committed.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Redemption: Served Cold

Comment left by Keith on the "Satisfaction" blog entry below:
I know who this is so there is no need to disguise him as Mr. X. I am doing my best in this. I have some issues. I am not a total piece of shit. My life is crazy. I would love to see any of you raised in my family and having a child diagnosed with Cancer. It does not make life easy at all. Don;t knock it till you have tried it. I will talk about my daughter always, she is the biggest part of my life. I never said that what I did was right...I made some mistakes and I am looking right here right now to correct them. I have to admit this blog site is not helping the situation. But there is nothing I can do about it. It is here to stay, no matter what I pay back and who I pay back.

Email sent to me soon after:
On Mar 4, 2009, at 10:17 PM, Keith // Subject:Yourself wrote:

What is it going to take for the blog site to come down..? I would like to talk with you about this. I just want to know where you are at on this…do you think you can go back on vacation again. I am working on getting things squared away with others. I really need to find another job. I am trying to make good with you on everything. I sent the extra 50 to show my motivation. I literally gave you every last penny I had. I am making changes and sacrifices to keep my word with you and Justin.

Here's my answer:

1. I didn't call him "Mr. X" for your benefit, Keith. I'm sure you know who he is.
2. I've grown really tired of hearing about your problems. Let's not play games of tit for tat in suffering. It's pointless and whiney and offers no real excuses for decisions we make as thinking adult people.
3. You ask what it will take for the blog to come down. Before, I've said that nothing would make me take it down, but I think there may be something after all. You keep saying that you're sorry and that you want to make "good" for the mistakes you've made, but what were these "mistakes" you speak of? As far as I've seen, you really haven't admitted to anything. YOU ROBBED PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET. Say it. Tell the truth. Admit you took advantage of Justin and borrowed money under false pretenses. Admit that Hilary called him for more money after he said he couldn't give you any more. Admit you ran scams on Craigslist and tried to sell people equipment you didn't have. All this whining and making excuses and telling us all how hard you've had it is soooo tired. Tell everyone how I reached out to you last summer and asked you to just pay $25 to show good faith and how you promised me you would mail it right away and never did. Talk about how you would make plans to meet us with equipment and never show up. Admit that the only reason we're getting paid is because I have this blog and you've basically told everyone else to f*ck off. Stop acting like people are attacking you. Stop being a victim. Say "I'm Keith Kiiroja and I stole from innocent people."

The blog is up as a warning. It's a public service. You're a criminal. If you want to make restitution to all the people you've scammed, then that is a respectable thing and I encourage you to do that. However, your money does little to pay people back what they've really suffered because of you. A real, honest apology is in order... plus, of course, the cash.

Satisfaction Rate: 12%

Today was another good day. Keith deposited $450 into my bank account, bringing his total amount paid back to us to $850 or 12% of his total: $7212.17. He was only supposed to deposit $400, so I'm not sure what that little extra was for... maybe a bonus for my compassion chart.

I must say, however, that this event is somewhat bittersweet. The news for the rest of the Keith Kiiroja support group is not so good. In fact, I received a phone call today from another person who bought equipment [or thought he was buying equipment] from Keith on Craigslist, and this one really upset me. It certainly gets me worked up to read dozens of angry emails calling Keith a scumbag and a loser, but its quite another feeling that I get when I hear the actual voice of someone who Keith has {allegedly} scammed. This guy just sounded really sad. He was looking to me for advice because he just isn't getting anywhere with Keith.

He sent me some emails Keith had sent to him regarding his Craisglist "purchase" and gave me permission to reprint them without his name. I'm calling him "Mr. X". This is the second person who has called me about Keith since I posted the blog. There are also about 7 people in the "support group" - other than Justin and me - of which I think two got paid back partially or in full.

Here are some of the emails from Keith to Mr. X:

"I know you are infuriated with this situation and I want to do my best to correct it. There was a posting about me by someone on craigslist and I know that you are upset by this knowing that there is someone else out there who is dealing with the same issues that you are. Truth is in all of the daily madness I am dealing with in my life things became a bit overwhelming and I may have double sold an item and I have not shipped what was sold or I did and it was to the wrong person. Luckily, I have all of your emails and I am not a complete asshole. I am not looking to take advantage. However some of you may not end up with what you purchased. You will however get every penny back. I know I also gave a lot of you the runaround. I am truly sorry and I only have myself to blame for you being upset.

What I would like for all of you to do is write me back an email and let me know an amount that you paid, if you did a transfer, how much did it cost you? What did you buy from me and when? Also send me your correct address. I do not need any other words at all cause I know I handled this wrong. I am not looking to scam anyone and I think that is proven by the fact that I gave you all my home and cell #’s and I have been in contact as often as I could be. Some of you will get your money back and others will get what they purchased by January 15th 2009. I cannot afford to send anything overnight or express. I will also be willing to meet with some of you in person for the final transaction. Others are too far.

What I do find odd is that I sold numerous items on CL and I had some issues with shipping delays. I sold a desktop computer, a really expensive laptop, a digital point and shoot, a 30d and 3 lenses (more than a few months ago), 2 Alex Grey paintings, and more…all of those people walked away with their stuff after awhile and were all happy helping me and dealing with me. I am guessing though that none of you are interested in hearing their stories. I know you are all unhappy. Send me those emails as soon as possible and I will send you back either what you purchased or your money. Anyone who is waiting longest or paid in full will get priority over anyone else and I will notify you via email on what you will be getting. I am looking to get this back on track and as organized as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience this all caused.
Thank you for your time.
Keith Kiiroja

Email me at with the following info.


Ship to Address:



Item(s) Purchased:

Money Paid:

Balance Owed (Only if applicable):"

"Mr. X,

I just figured it would be easier to send you an email.

I am going to ship you the Camera ONLY and refund the money for the Lens. I have things squared away here with everyone else and you will be getting a BRAND NEW 5d.

I will call you in the morning after I arrange shipment.

Thank you,

"Please one more final time, send me whatever info you would like for me to send you your money back. I know I may have sent some of you checks but I have to close my account after 2 of them clear this week. I had some fraudulent activity happen on my account and now I know how all of you feel.

You will all be paid what you laid out in a timely fashion, I promise (not that my promise means anything to any of you). No more bullshit from me. I am done playing games with all of you, I am sorry that you got caught up in my fucked up life. I know what I owe to you so please just send along one of the following so that you can be paid what you put forward.

Just so you all are aware, I am doing my best to fix this in a way that will not involve scamming or stealing from anyone.

I am once again sorry that I allowed my suffering in my life affect you in any way.

Full Name:
(for this I would send you a Money Order ONLY)
Bank Account:
(money would be deposited directly into your account)
Routing Number:
(if you want money transferred)
Branch Name:
PayPal Email Address:
Long Island, New York
tel: 631-xxx-xxxx
mobile: 613-xxx-xxxx
AIM: SnapshotAssassin"

Mr. X made this transaction with Keith in late October 2008, and has yet to receive any merchandise or any of his money back. This is the latest email Mr. X sent to me [after I told him Keith paid us $450 and wondered if anyone else has had any luck getting the money he had promised them this week]:

"Rebekuh [sp],

Keith said they wouldn’t transfer money by phone so he is going to go Friday in person to the bank. He is still stalling. I text him that he is just stalling and I said that I was maybe going to start a blog to get his attention. I even ask what I should title it. He wasn’t too happy. Here is his blog “no, I am no stalling… u don’t need to waste ur time on a stupid fxxxxxx blog.” Then I said something about the law and he said “ I have spoken with the police and a lawyer… u have to take me to small claims. I could get u the money Friday…ur choice.

I am getting real tired of his lies. I still think I’ll wait to post anything on your blog but I can show you some of his emails if your interested. I have a business receipt for the 5d I bought from him and here are four emails that I received.

Keep in touch,
Mr. X"

All I can say here is that I'm really glad that Keith is keeping his word with us, but I wish he was able to make things right with the other people he's hurt. Keith has also made arrangements with us to send us equipment next week and asked for a two week period to get a larger amount of money together to pay for the Canon equipment. There has been some murmuring in the group that Keith is going to be "away and unreachable" for two weeks causing some worry that he's trying to disappear. Like I always say, "we shall see".

Thanks for the $$, Keith!! Hope to hear from you on Monday :)

[Disclaimer for those of you who have googled Keith Kiiroja in regard to considering him for a job: My intent in this blog is not to make commentary on Keith Kiiroja's skills as a photographer or character as a potential employee. I am merely documenting the collection of personal loans made to Keith by my husband, Justin, and also some anecdotal/alleged accounts stories of others who had business transactions with Keith involving the sale of camera and gaming equipment over the internet. Look, I can't stand the lying jerk, but if you want him to take your picture, more power to you.]

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Update [Shortest Vacation EVER]

Keith didn't make the deposit today citing the snow storm and lack of transportation as his reasons for failing to make good on his promise. He has now promised to make the deposit first thing tomorrow [03.04.09] morning. We shall see.

Compassion + Time to Relax

It is a true fact that if you open me up and take a photo of my insides that my heart appears mostly black with sharp corners and burnt edges. If you look close enough you'll see a happy face with a smirk branded into the side of it. But if you take one of those very expensive fancier pictures of my insides, it will reveal a very adorable image of my heart - all fluorescent pink with yellow and green polka dots. What I'm trying to say is that I'm actually very sweet - very, very, very ... very deep down inside.

To know me is to know a very optimistic and forgiving person who loves puppies and babies and who smiles 99% of the time. I have compassion and love for all living things. To illustrate this further, I have prepared a "compassion pie chart" for your review.

[image lost - I'll update when/if I locate it]

I also have an "aggravation" pie chart, but I'm saving that one for later. I've decided that today is a day for compassion, so Justin and I are going to take a much needed vacation from the strain of feeling sour and focus on polka dots and rainbows instead.

We're not sure if or when we'll be back, but you can all be sure that all our stories will be locked up safe in a vault while we're away and will be back for your viewing pleasure upon our return.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Come On, Mama Needs a New Pair of Shoes!!

Note: I'll be blogging under my "Rebekah + Justin" ID from time to time to make it easier to transition between my blogs without logging in and out...

Anywho, I have a small and uninteresting update and a slightly larger and more interesting update that I thought might be worth sharing with you all.

First, in the interest of being fair, I want to share with you the smattering of text messages that Keith has sent to Justin over the past few weeks. It seems that Keith really wants to pay us this money back [read: wants us to think that he really wants to pay us this money back]. I find it interesting that the conversation always seems to hit a brick wall when there's any mention of getting the equipment back. Oh well... moving on. Here are the texts:

[text images have been lost to time and the internet]

I, being the eternal optimist, am very excited about this. The Drunken Classy Ladies have our March brunch coming up, and this requires me to purchase a new dress and shoes... I'm so glad Keith will be funding my shopping trip. This slow economy has definitely put a dent into my dress buying and it'll be nice to have some of our money back to keep it "business as usual".

I'm really placing a lot of faith in Keith to come through [mostly because I already bought the dress and it looks great on me], and I'll be sure to update you with what happened by the end of banking hours tomorrow.

Ok, now for the second thing: There's another blog out there written by another person who was "allegedly" scammed by Keith Kiiroja. I contacted the owner of the blog to find out who he was and what his story is, and he got back to me late last night via email. He's actually one of the people who Keith listed as someone he owed money to in an earlier email to me. I've said before that our story is the only one I can guarantee as true [even though I whole-heartedly believe all the others who I've been in contact with about Keith], so I wanted to reach out to him myself to see if he's legit. I'm waiting for him to get back to me with permission to link his blog and maybe post his story. FYI: it was another Craigslist scam... he didn't lend Keith anything. Hopefully, he'll let me share his story here.

That's all for now, folks. Hold for the update... [PS I obliged and removed Keith's phone number from my blog as per his request. I find this a weird request considering that the number will supposedly no longer work, but what the heck... I don't care.]

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Keith Comments

I figured I'd make a post because most people don't read comments:

Keith Kiiroja said...
Most of the views on this site are from me since I have it as one of my start-up tabs on Explorer and Mozilla. I am not hiding and I never was. If you call me I will give you my NEW address as I have already given it out to some others. I know I did something wrong, that is not a LIE. I am looking to make good on all of this. No matter how many people were wronged, I will make it right.

FEBRUARY 19, 2009 8:31 AM
Mission to Find Keith Kiiroja said...

The site doesn't have a view count. My profile does, but that isn't an indication of the blog view.

That being said, you can always email us your new info. You know by now that we've had it for a while. We know taking you to court will be futile... and like I already, why would we have to take you to court? Just keep up with the arrangement.

I'm glad you're trying to finally make things right [though look at the lengths people have had to go through to get a measly few bucks from you]. I am, however, discouraged that you continue to lie about other things. Oh well, no worries.

Let us know when the next payment will be.

FEBRUARY 19, 2009 9:04 AM