Thursday, February 19, 2009

Keith Comments

I figured I'd make a post because most people don't read comments:

Keith Kiiroja said...
Most of the views on this site are from me since I have it as one of my start-up tabs on Explorer and Mozilla. I am not hiding and I never was. If you call me I will give you my NEW address as I have already given it out to some others. I know I did something wrong, that is not a LIE. I am looking to make good on all of this. No matter how many people were wronged, I will make it right.

FEBRUARY 19, 2009 8:31 AM
Mission to Find Keith Kiiroja said...

The site doesn't have a view count. My profile does, but that isn't an indication of the blog view.

That being said, you can always email us your new info. You know by now that we've had it for a while. We know taking you to court will be futile... and like I already, why would we have to take you to court? Just keep up with the arrangement.

I'm glad you're trying to finally make things right [though look at the lengths people have had to go through to get a measly few bucks from you]. I am, however, discouraged that you continue to lie about other things. Oh well, no worries.

Let us know when the next payment will be.

FEBRUARY 19, 2009 9:04 AM

Blogs I Like: Suggested Reading

One of my favorite quotes [that I use often to annoy my friends and family who have made it their day's mission to be negative] is a quote from Scarface, "Everyday above ground is a good day". That's pretty much my mantra, so whatever I'm doing-whether it be working, or playing, or cleaning up missed pee pee spots that my son made around my toilet-I try to do it with unfailing optimism and appreciation for the moment.

However, there are those days that bring greater rewards... that make it not only nice to be above ground, but amusing as well. There are many things that I love waking up to-Christmas, the pitter patter of my children's feet on the steps [actually, it annoys me when I wake up this way, but I'm trying to sound sweet], cash in a suitcase at my front door. This morning I woke up to another kind of present... a new blog to add to my new feature "Blogs I Like: Suggested Reading"!

It seems that Keith has finally produced something besides a web of lies [though still in the same vein] and published a blog in response to my blog. I feel so famous... because, you know, you're not truly famous if no one hates you.

I received an email on my Blackberry from one of the members of the Keith Kiiroja support group letting the rest of us know the blog existed. What a glorious morning!

Now, I'll post a brief, numbered response to some of the points brought up on the blog, but I'll probably leave it at that. So, now, I urge you to read Keith's blog in it's entirety and return here. I will provide quotes from the blog if you don't like wasting your time as much as I do.

1. "Sometimes in life people are faced with certain challenges, I do not really need to go into that much since my personal information has been plastered all over the internet (mainly by people with nothing better to do with their time). If they have properly set aside the time to bash me, make it look like I am a complete scumbag (so much so, that when I apply for a job I can't get one if people do a Google search about me), place all of my personal information (unpublished phone number and address) in a blog kind of like this one (aptly titled Keith Kiiroja took our money), and even voice mails over you tube, well then I forgive you. But, don't you have to work, parent your children, and be a wife to your loved one."

I do have to work, parent my children, and be a wife to Justin. As I have said before, collecting money-if successful-ends in getting money, so I consider this to be my new part-time job. Before I was a full-time neglectful parent and obsessive blogger, I was a moderately successful real estate agent for Weichert Realtors. I learned a very important sales technique and motivational message from a very successful office manager while still in training five years ago.
"For every 100 sales calls you make, you'll probably get one completed transaction. A new agent makes an average of $3000 per transaction, so you should be thankful for every hang-up you get... because each of those hang-ups is worth exactly $30. Every time someone hangs up on you, you should say to yourself, 'thank you, you just made me $30'."
During my rookie year in real estate, I won four quarterly sales awards, the NJ State Circle of Excellence award, and was a top producer in my office earning me a nomination for the Weichert South Jersey Rookie of the Year award.

I have learned to manage my time very well to make it as profitable as possible. These blogs take me about a half hour to write. If I combine the time it took to set-up the blog, I could say I've spent about 8 good hours blogging about Keith Kiiroja. So far the amount of money received is $400. So, in essence, that's $50 an hour for my time... not bad in this post-Bush economy! This is, of course, in addition to the personal satisfaction I get from finally being able to tell our story to a greater audience. Hopefully, my profit margin will increase soon, because I really don't want to work for $50 an hour.

2. "I never said I was perfect and I will admit freely that I have lied about some things. But, when a person claims they have to HUNT ME DOWN or have to post a blog to find people who might know my whereabouts, I really feel like I am dealing with a person who should be reading a Where's Waldo book. By the way, you can not read Where's Waldo, you look at it and find the guy on the damn page, the same way you do an email or the internet. If you do a Google search you will find me on Facebook, MySpace, and more. I am not hiding from anyone. I have even given my home and cell phone numbers. However, they refuse to call. If I wanted my money back that bad I would be on the phone 24/7 or taking what information I do have and filing with small claims court."

Keith was TOTALLY hiding. We had a phone number, but he refused to give us a mailing address to take him to court. He must be afraid of my giant girl muscles. I guess I could have listed his Facebook profile on the court documents. I believe they just changed their user terms to include them having the ability to serve you court summons.

3. "The fact that I have a daughter who has been battling Cancer for 2 years is a good reason for me not to have any money and it is also the MAIN reason I would have to beg, borrow, and sell. It also plays a key roll in my efforts in not being able to pay someone back money I did not STEAL from them. "

It's called theft by deception. While he could argue he was simply a deadbeat in our case, he cannot argue that he stole from others by telling them he would sell them merchandise he never owned or had access to.

4. "My final note is that the person publishing information about me has nothing to do with this situation other than the fact that she is marrying the person that is. She came along well after I borrowed or was given money by my old friend. As far as I am concerned her actions are defamatory and until proven so, they are not fact."

This is true... I started dating Justin at the tail-end of the money lending, though there were requests of more money made by Hilary after Justin and I were together and Justin said no. Although what I've said is not defamatory. He likes to use this "proven" word a lot, because he has no evidence that anyone is lying about him. You know someone is guilty when you tell them they've done something and they ask you to "prove it"... you know, instead of exonerating themselves on their own.

5. "The courts do not use anything from the internet in a case, since it can be altered."

Not true.

[I'll skip over commenting on the Hilary blog because this girl has suffered enough. I mean, come on, she dated this guy.]

6. His most recent blog post is dated January 23 [my wedding day... man, he's skilled, blogging while I'm busy having the time of my life and not paying attention]. This is a long blog justifying his miserable actions because his daughter was sick. I've heard this all before, and I wouldn't blame anyone for sympathizing with him. I, however, do not. What Keith doesn't know about me, my life, and my children could fill a book. I'm pretty sure I've never done and would never do what he did when faced with tragedy. But hey, that's just me. I believe in God and Karma.

My only advice to Keith is to return Justin's camera and get a nice $100 digital to keep up his photography hobby. I heard on CNN that WalMart is doing very well and are continuing to hire. That may be a good option for him. Until then, I will continue to leave my children and husband in neglect and blog for cash.

I really do want to close this chapter of my blogging life and move on to my other projects. In the end, Justin and I still want the money and Keith still pretends he wants to pay. I have to give him credit for the $400 and the phone calls made to Justin recently saying he wants to get on a payment schedule to pay the money back [still no mention of the whereabouts of the equipment, though].

I have promised Keith that I will fully document all payments sent to us and all attempts to pay off his debt. "Stupid is as stupid does" just as "redemptive scammer is as redemptive scammer does". If (giving him the benefit of mountains of doubt) he makes right on his wrong, I will honor his action with a full-scale blog posting extravaganza of acknowledgment and [mostly facetious] praise. We shall wait and see what happens.

Now, my faithful readers, Justin and I have to go get busy being parents and earning money to pay our bills. Alas, we have no cache of friends or family or internet contacts to help us out with any of that.

[PS If you have a rebuttal for or something to add to anything Keith has posted on his blog, you may do so here by clicking on the "comments" link. It seems, that at the time of this blog entry, Keith has disallowed comment posting on his blog]

Friday, February 6, 2009

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You Google?

This will be a short entry, because I'm deep into my organic macaroni & cheese and broccoli dinner. I just want to quickly sing the praises of Google and their speedy and accurate web-crawling abilities. My little blog has received top billing as a prime source of all things Keith Kiiroja on this heavenly gem of a search engine.

Because of this place of honor, I received a phone call tonight from yet another human being slighted by the cunning and mysterious Keith Kiiroja! After Keith took him for nearly a grand, he googled him and found and ME!

The internet truly is a magical place that brings real people together in unreal situations. Jeez, I've met more people who I have more in common with through my Keith Kiiroja blog than with eHarmony.

eHarmony, take notes!