Thursday, September 10, 2009

So Keith Went to Court...

I JUST read the comments on the "Biggest Fan" post, and they have me reeling with curiosity! I'm hoping to hear from Jean on all the details of their day in court. Stay tuned...

NOTE: My sincere apologies for Jean for not getting back to her this week... everything was crazy in my house with soccer and back to school, and so many things got mixed-up in the confusion.

And can I make an announcement here that I hereby annoint DYLANTHOMAS with the "Best Commenter In The Universe" award for his hilarious [yet, kind of ridiculous] comments he left on "Pork Chop Con-Man". While I do not condone such mean-speak, his comments had me in stitches.


  1. This is all driving me nuts...I did not send the money that I promised you since I spent all week packing and moving. I will be settled in on Monday or Tuesday and I will send you the 300 as promised. Sorry it was not on time.

    I think you know my thoughts on the blog site and I know that you do not care. I am NOT scamming anyone anymore. I am trying to move on with my life. It is difficult to make any money at all in an honest way when this is out there for all to see. If I were the people involved in anyway at all I would email me at

    I WILL REPLY and make arrangements with you.

  2. Keith, I have three kids, a job, and a house to maintain. I manage to take care of my family, get to the gym everyday, and coach my daughter's soccer team. I think that I'm a tad bit busier than you and I know I have time to send a paypal payment. In fact, you could have used the time it took to comment to send the money. So WHATEVER to your excuses.

  3. Oh man... this had me cracking up. I decided to google Keith, about 3 years after I leave the island to see if maybe he cleaned up his act and maybe to see if his daughter was alright and this site comes up. Absolutely classic...I could go on with other ridiculous stories about this guy but it wouldn't top what I've been reading here. Good luck with this shit, whoever you are because I doubt you'll ever get what you actually deserve.

  4. Would love to get an update with what happened in court.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I do, however, condone mean-speak. I don't think people like Keith deserve any kind of refuge from bottom-line feelings. Human rights do not apply.
