Thursday, January 22, 2009

KEITH PAID US BACK! [5.5% of what he owes]

This is truly a milestone moment in the quest to recoup the $7212.17 that Keith Kiiroja owes to Justin Borucki.

Yesterday, an event occurred that could only be paralleled to seeing a real life unicorn or meeting Santa Claus... Keith Kiiroja deposited $400 cash into my bank account!! You read it right, folks. Keith Kiiroja paid us back 5.5% of his total balance!

Shown below are the text message transcripts leading up to one of the most personally gratifying moments of my entire life thus far... I am of course, exaggerating here. Having my three children was slightly better ;)

Highlights of the following texts are:
* When he questions whether or not he'll be able to prove he gave us the money/whether or not we would credit him for the payment.
* When he tells us he lost a job because of my two-day-old blog.

Here is the text message that I sent to Keith from my BlackBerry after becoming frustrated about him continuously asking that the blog be taken down as a condition of payment [referenced by Justin in the texts above]:

"This is the final word on the blog, Keith. It is MY blog. It is MY story. It is MY property. Only a complete scumbag would tell someone to take him to court for money he knows he owes. However, because it is my undeniable first amendment right to keep my blog and share my opinion and story with others, you will have to have a court of law order me to take it down. Your phony claims of aggravated harassment charges are further proof of how ignorant you are of the law. You are now dealing with someone who has no care for you or your situation and who actually has the education and resources to find satisfaction for herself. That satisfaction will be in the form of full restitution made to Justin.

My bank info:
Rebekah Peterson
Bank of America
New Jersey account

He never responded to me... only to Justin. However the money got deposited, and we celebrated by buying champagne for our wedding weekend. Victory is sweet.

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