Thursday, January 22, 2009

KEITH PAID US BACK! [5.5% of what he owes]

This is truly a milestone moment in the quest to recoup the $7212.17 that Keith Kiiroja owes to Justin Borucki.

Yesterday, an event occurred that could only be paralleled to seeing a real life unicorn or meeting Santa Claus... Keith Kiiroja deposited $400 cash into my bank account!! You read it right, folks. Keith Kiiroja paid us back 5.5% of his total balance!

Shown below are the text message transcripts leading up to one of the most personally gratifying moments of my entire life thus far... I am of course, exaggerating here. Having my three children was slightly better ;)

Highlights of the following texts are:
* When he questions whether or not he'll be able to prove he gave us the money/whether or not we would credit him for the payment.
* When he tells us he lost a job because of my two-day-old blog.

Here is the text message that I sent to Keith from my BlackBerry after becoming frustrated about him continuously asking that the blog be taken down as a condition of payment [referenced by Justin in the texts above]:

"This is the final word on the blog, Keith. It is MY blog. It is MY story. It is MY property. Only a complete scumbag would tell someone to take him to court for money he knows he owes. However, because it is my undeniable first amendment right to keep my blog and share my opinion and story with others, you will have to have a court of law order me to take it down. Your phony claims of aggravated harassment charges are further proof of how ignorant you are of the law. You are now dealing with someone who has no care for you or your situation and who actually has the education and resources to find satisfaction for herself. That satisfaction will be in the form of full restitution made to Justin.

My bank info:
Rebekah Peterson
Bank of America
New Jersey account

He never responded to me... only to Justin. However the money got deposited, and we celebrated by buying champagne for our wedding weekend. Victory is sweet.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The emails and text messages are piling up, so I won't bore you all with all of them. Basically, we exchanged a series of emails last night about making payment arrangements via PayPal. I told Keith that we wouldn't accept a check because we were concerned that it would bounce, and he agreed to deposit $400 into my PayPal account by noon on Wednesday. I sent him an invoice for $400, and included a note specifying the total amount owed.

After that I received this email [I hid the names to protect the identities of those owed money]:

Subject: RE: equipment/money
Date: January 19, 2009 5:11:08 PM EST

I would really like to talk to you in person on the phone. Can you please call me on Tuesday around noon at 631-946-6816.
I am going to work everything out with you both and make sure Justin is all paid back in a timely fashion. It has been far too long. I just want to know who you know that may not be on this list. I want to be sure that everyone gets what they deserve back. I really would like to know about setting up fake photo shoots…? This one kind of puzzles me. I am not going to go after anyone, I am just looking for names so that I can compile my list and see that everyone gets paid back. I do not want to ignore anyone.

Justin Borucki (obvious one)
Cxxxxx Dxxxxx
Jxxxxx Lxxxxx
Cxxxxx (don’t know his last name)
Axxxxx Gxxxxx
Nxxxxx Nxxxxx
Jxxxxx Oxxxxx
Cxxxxx Mxxxxx (personal friend of mine)
Rxxxxx Kxxxxx (personal friend of mine)
Mxxxxx Cxxxxx

I have paid back a few people but not a lot. Here is that list.

Txxxxx Cxxxxx
Cxxxxx Pxxxxx
Xxxxxx Hxxxxx

That is all for now. If you know of anyone else please have them email me directly. I will make sure to respond and keep in touch with everyone till they are paid back 100%.

Thank you kindly.
Keith Kiiroja
Long Island, New York
tel: 631-xxx-xxxx
mobile: 631-xxx-xxxx
AIM: SnapshotAssassin

I replied that I had no interest in speaking to him, but I would gladly pass the email on to those I had been in contact with so that they can contact him if they wish. I won't sugarcoat it... I was angry and I wrote a very angry and direct email.

That was the last contact we had with Keith until today. The following images are screenshots of Justin's iPhone showing text messages from Keith. Brace yourself, folks, you may fall off your seat from laughing:

Take note that the first image shows a July 2008 date. The was the last we heard from Keith after he told us he was going to make a wire transfer into Justin's bank account. *Sigh*

But that's not all folks!! He left another voicemail on Justin's phone this time. I'm not sure if he's posturing for the video at this point, if he's really sincere, or if he's just fallen into a pathological tailspin, but what I am sure of is this just keeps getting better [btw, the beeping you hear during the message is text messages coming in from Keith as I record. sorry about the poor sound quality. iPhones, in my humble opinion, stink :D. also, sorry for laughing, but I can't help myself.]:

Of course, I felt compelled to respond. Here's my latest email to Keith:

Subject: Re: equipment/money
Date: January 20, 2009 5:30:05 PM EST

1. Keith, please stop pretending that your fiance is bringing charges against me. I am clearly not easily intimidated. The blog will come down when a court tells me to take it down.

2. Publishing letters, emails, voicemails, and personal accounts of my own story and life cannot be defined as harassment. Go to school and get some knowledge.

3. The money is due by noon. Not "afternoon". The internet runs 24 hours a day... it's a pretty convenient technological tool. Make the paypal payment on time or you will have proven to me that you are still a liar.

4. By the way, I know where Hilary works. I'm not afraid of campus cops.

I will surely update you all with any other news/emails/hilarious voicemail messages that occur between now and the noon deadline tomorrow. After that I will be gone for a few days to get MARRIED!! Yes, Justin and I are tying the knot in the Poconos this weekend!!

And I know you all want to read about my fabulous wedding, so here's THAT blog:

Rebekah + Justin

Here are the screen shots of the texts that were exchanged right before, during, and after recording:

Bye for now,

Monday, January 19, 2009


Click on the link below to view the PDF document of the invoices and email from KEITH KIIROJA that prove what he owes to us:

PDF Download: Keith Kiiroja Money List


Email + Voicemail=Cautioned Hopefulness

The latest email from Keith [sent after he called my phone twice and left a voicemail. I didn't answer the phone because I wanted to record any message he left. When a person leaves a voicemail they have knowledge they are being recorded, so I don't have to worry about giving notice that he's being taped]:

Subject: RE: equipment/money
Date: January 19, 2009 11:49:56 AM EST

What is a Paypal account I can send money to, or a direct account I can deposit money into. I am not going to play games anymore. I will have money Wednesday for Justin. I will call you to make arrangements for the other stuff. I think I can send 400 on Wednesday. Would that be a start? I can probably do 400 a month after that as well. If you would like me to pay bi-weekly I can do that as well, but my starting payment will be 400 dollars.

Please send me a checklist of money due and equipment, I know about the 30d, 580exII, and the F100. I am sorry to say that the lights are no longer, the power supply went and it was going to cost an arm and a leg to ship and fix and ended up not being worth it. I sold it off, something I should not have done so I would say that it would be the original sale price that Justin offered to me. I think it was 600.00. Please let me know, I am taking this all very serious right now. I do not want to be away from my daughter and I need to take this time to analyze what I have done in my life and turn over a new leaf. I am 33 years old and I am done playing silly games and lying to people. I know that I need help and this is a good way to start. By being honest with the people I let down or hurt.

So please Rebekah send me a list of what is owed and I will get started on Wednesday with the first payment and arrangements to get the equipment to Justin.
Long Island, New York
tel: 631-xxx-xxxx
mobile: 631-xxx-xxxx
AIM: SnapshotAssassin

Here's a video of the voicemail message he left me after my last email stating that I would take serious legal action if I didn't get results [please ignore my gum chewing and my "just woke up" hair/attire]:

Hopefully, he'll come through with the $400 and I can add it to the "Dollar Amount Paid Back" section of this blog, which so far stands at a whopping $0 after 3+ years!! FYI, this blog will NOT come down until every dollar amount is paid back in full. I know other's who have been affected chose not to pursue their plight publicly, and I respect their decision, but I feel like the only motivation for Keith is tough and unrelenting motivation.

Keith Comes Out of Hiding

Over the past 24 hours I've managed to make contact with Keith through his Facebook account [see "Recent Convos" on the right side menu bar].  We exchanged a series of messages [pathetic on his side, angry on mine] about the situation and then moved onto emails [which are copied below].  What has also happened over the past 24 hours is that I've met a group of people that have also had financial dealings with Keith.  It seems that we're not the only ones that he's stolen from and committed fraud against [I'll say alleged theft and fraud here since it hasn't been proven in court and he hasn't been convicted of any crime, but I've seen hoards of emails and evidence to support their claims].

Reading all the information from this group has left me shocked and angry. Their stories match my stories almost exactly.  Keith [allegedly] lied about photo shoots with A-list celebrities, wire transfers that never happened, bounced checks, meetings... the list goes on and on.  To make matters even more bizarre is that he ADMITTED these lies to those he damaged... IN WRITING.  

I think we're dealing with a sociopath here, and I'm not sure if I should call Bellevue mental hospital or the FBI.  It seems that he's committed bank fraud, mail fraud, and grand theft, and all from just what I've gleaned only over the last day or so.  

Please contact me immediately if you have information on Keith or if you have been affected negatively by him.  There is a solid group of honest people working hard to get what is owed to them and we can help you, too.

Here are the emails we've exchanged over the past 24 hours [they are in order of most recent to oldest, so it may be easier to start at the bottom of the blog entry and scroll up as you read]:

Subject: Re: equipment/money
Date: January 19, 2009 11:27:57 AM EST

Collecting a debt is not harassment. Look it up. She can file any claim she wants to, she'll end up looking like a pathetic fool.

You're in serious trouble if you don't pay everyone back, Keith. Lying to get money from people and accepting that money through the internet and over state lines is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. Maybe the chief of police would be interested in your mail fraud, bank fraud, interstate commerce violations... I'm sure he'll thank me for delivering a criminal to his doorstep.

As far as I'm concerned, Hilary is an accomplice in all of this and her name will be given to authorities with yours along with the mountains of evidence we have against the two of you... and your mother. Hilary has benefited from the money you stole and said nothing. She had specific knowledge of your crimes and did nothing.


Those are the only absolutely true statements in all of this.

My contact information is below. I'll play along for another 48 hours until you make another excuse about your fake job, your fake payment that will never come, and your fake efforts to pay us back. Don't try to send me any checks either... I know they all bounce.

Wednesday is the day. After that I will get serious in a way that will make you wish you never met Justin. You belong in jail and I will make sure you go there if you don't fix what you've broken.

Rebekah Peterson
Studio Manager
Justin Borucki Photography
(917) 355-4496
my mailing address:

On Jan 19, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Keith Kiiroja wrote:

I never said I was perfect and I know that I have made my share of mistakes. Recently I tried to sell some equipment and shit went really wrong. I am trying to correct this as we speak. I am looking into getting a loan with like Beneficial that I will pay off that will take care of Justin. I do not want him to wait any longer. I have to tell you that I do not get paid till Friday so Wednesday is going to be impossible. Contacting Hilary is not going to do anything at all since I am moving out of her house and we are splitting up. I do not deserve her and I never deserved half the friends I had. I don't know what you are talking about with fake photo shoots or fake equipment but I will accept what you say because I do not know what kind of information you have or where you are getting it from.

I have already informed Hilary that you have been contacting me again. This is my debt to Justin and my advice would be to take me to civil court if you want to speed things up. Hilary has also asked respectively that you not contact her as she has nothing to do with this. She works for the Chief of Police and said that is ANYONE contacts her at work in regards to me she will pursue filing harassment charges against whoever does. Those are her words, not mine.

As far as this situation goes, I will make my best effort to come up with money on Wednesday and make arrangements. I have to work tomorrow but will do what I can when I arrive at home. I am not going to lie to you or anyone any longer. I made mistakes and I am going to fix them. I am going to stand up and be a man about this. Can you please forward me your phone # here as I have deleted the message on Facebook. I am going to file this email along with all others in a folder for Justin so I cannot forget.

I am so sorry for all this Rebekah, I know that you do not need this aggravation. I will fix this and make it so there is effort on my part and hopefully one day we will all be able to put this behind us.
Long Island, New York
tel: 631-xxx-xxxx
mobile: 631-xxx-xxxx
AIM: SnapshotAssassin

-----Original Message-----
From: Rebekah Peterson []
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: equipment/money


If we don't have an acceptable payment and the equipment by Wednesday, we're going to pursue other avenues. We don't have to wait for you to think of another lie. Luckily, a lot of people have come out in support of our efforts [it seems you have a sort of an anti-fan club out there]. I'm just in shock at how many people you've managed to scam... with fake equipment, fake photo shoots, etc.

I never told you how I got in touch with these people... a very reputable and honest person got bad feelings about you and contacted Justin randomly to ask if he knew you. Small world, right? No, not really... you've done this to lots of people. I don't know what you expect to accomplish career-wise by proving yourself to be nothing more than a liar and a thief to bands, businesses, and WORKING professional photographers. You're pathetic.

And you didn't mention of the camera and flash that Justin bought for you or the lights in your email. I assume you will be returning those as well.

Let me know asap what arrangements you will be making to get the money/equipment to us BY WEDNESDAY.

If you choose to ignore or to not accommodate our requests, then we'll have to get help to figure out what to do next. Maybe your family and friends can help me to figure out the best way to deal with your behavior. I know Hilary is disgusted. I know your brother is disgusted. And I have a long list of people and businesses that you've dealt with that MUST have had similar experiences with you... I'll investigate that if I have to.

Get me details. And BTW, there's no need to try to appeal to Justin in text messages. He thinks your a scumbag.


On Jan 18, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Keith Kiiroja wrote:


I still have the Nikon. I will make arrangements to get that to you this week. I told Justin that I sold most of the lenses the last we spoke and he was going to add this to the total of what I had to pay back. Can you please sum up a total for me. I will put some kind of dent in it this week. I am working right now and making ok money. I am still doing photos cause I feel like I am good at it. I am not concentrating my time on it though. I have a family to take care of and working full time is a little help.

I will call you or message you this week with some kind of results.

Talk Soon,
Long Island, New York
tel: 631-xxx-xxxx
mobile: 631-xxx-xxxx
AIM: SnapshotAssassin

-----Original Message-----
From: Rebekah Peterson []
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 2:45 PM
Subject: equipment/money

Here's my email, Keith.

We need to make arrangements immediately to get the equipment and the first payment to us.

Your excuses are tired, and I can't believe we have to hunt you down after all this time. It's like, if you don't hear from us then you forget about it.

If we don't hear from you by Friday, then we're done trying to work this out. I was serious when I said that I'm making this my mission... my full-time job. You should be working at Wal-Mart, not trying to take pictures... you better still have those lights and camera.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Letters To Hilary

Click on the link at the end of the blog entry to view a series of messages between Keith Kiiroja's "fiance", Hilary, and me in July 2008.

screen shot of my myspace convo with Hilary

Keith actually responded to me by telephone immediately [after avoiding phone calls for weeks] and asked me not to speak to his fiance because he had been keeping this information from her, but by that time she had already answered my message.  He promised he would start paying us back immediately and even took my home address so that he could send me the first "payment".  I have phone records of our telephone conversations.  Needless to say, no payment arrived and we have not been able to contact him since.

Does Keith Kiiroja Owe You Money, Too?

I have set-up this blog in an effort to get help finding Keith Kiiroja, "professional music photographer", "habitual borrower of money", and "avoider of phone calls".

He has managed to successfully hide from and avoid my partner and I and our attempts to reach him. We are desperate to get back in excess of $6000 in cash and photo equipment that was lent to him over the course of several years and was never paid back.

If you have any contact information [including email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses]  that would help us strengthen our court case, please contact me at the following email address:

or call 


I am trying to find other people he has affected negatively/financially through his photography career or his charity.  We have already been in contact with several people who have serious concerns about his "business" and "borrowing" practices, and I'd love to get a strong group together to find him and start the process of getting what is owed to us.

**I have put together a PDF document of emails, receipts, and other evidence of the money and equipment that was lent to Keith.  If you would like to see these documents, please indicate so in your email.**

Thanks for your help,